Friday, September 3, 2010

Webdesign, chapter six: CSS media query

I think I have a new pet peeve. There are way too many designers who put specific dimensions on their websites/blogs/etc. Even the default blogger theme has a set width in pixels. Most designs on the CSS Zen Garden have a width in pixels. Now obviously they want their stuff to look good, and I have to respect that. However, I don't really think it looks good when viewed on a monitor that isn't the specific single one that they used to make the design. You can't even make your design for the "most popular" monitor in use today since there are so many different sizes and even aspect ratios that it just doesn't make sense. Yet still, A LOT, of websites use dimensions in pixels rather than percentages.
Now that I'm done with my rant.... We can't really just make our content width and sidebar width use percentages instead of pixels and be happy with it. In the best case we will have a few users that will see a scrollbar on the navigation while not having very much room to see the content, in the worst case our site isn't usable at all for some people. Also when someone wants to print out our page because of the excellent content we have, they're probably not interested in seeing what links you have on the left there.
With that I give you CSS media types (not usable in Internet Explorer until version 9 comes out).
You can define CSS media types in 3 different ways (seems like anything in CSS has 3 different ways of doing it):
When loading a separate CSS file as we have been doing it:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen">,
The @media rule:
@media screen { p {color: blue;}}
The @import rule:
@import url("style.css") screen;

Now obviously we're making a new style sheet for the print media type with dark text on white background, in case we're not already having that as our standard style sheet.
But, and even more importantly, now we can use CSS 3 media queries to see how wide the user's screen is, and, if necessary, put the navigation below the content:
In our print style sheet we change the three lines below:
div.sidebar-left {display: none;}
body {color: #000; background-color: #fff; font-size: 100%}
h1 {text-align: center; margin: 0;}

we also took out the div.main code since we only have the 2 columns and if we don't give it any style information it will just inherit the styles from the body which is what we want right now. (note I actually changed the sidebar class to sidebar-left !)

Now we just have to change the style sheet for the screen a bit by putting in a few media queries:
For now I just appended the following to my style sheet:
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
div.main {position: fixed; top: 0%; left: 0%; width: 100%; height: auto;}
div.sidebar-left {position: static; width: 100%;}

The whole thing is visible here. It's quite interesting to see what happens when you resize the window (changing width to less than 600 pixels).

Now as i said before, the Internet Explorer can not handle media queries and neither can older browsers. The first part of that last sentence is important, older browsers are obviously less and less of a problem as we go forward, all of the talk about having your browser up to date so you don't get hacked and the media attention it has received lately has obviously helped that situation along a bit. Either way for now we have a style sheet that includes the styles that we want and we just hope that everyone using a browser that can't handle media queries has at least 601 pixel wide monitors.

1 comment:

  1. what curious behavior we have there....
    the div.main is covering the div.sidebar-left if we have less than 600 pixels width.... unless we actually put the sidebar insidethe div.main.
    very strange.

